Quick Cash loans are generally be approved within the same business day with settlement on the following day, and they are much more accessible than traditional personal loans because, being small loans, they do not have the same strict credit history guidelines typical of larger unsecured loans.
If you want a fast, free service that can help you find the best personal Quick Cash loan for your needs - even without a perfect credit history, simply complete our free online quote application to start your eligibility assessment.
Our online quick cash loan application makes it easy to get the money you need quickly...
Please note that some of our calculators may use assumptions that are not necessarily applicable to your current specific circumstances and we therefore cannot always guarantee their accuracy.
You should always seek professional financial advice from a licensed professional before proceeding with any financial recommendations.
Fortnightly Mortgage Repayment Comparator
Compare the effect of paying monthly mortgage payments as opposed to paying fortnightly.
Bike Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments for a motorcycle loan
Boat Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly boat repayments
Business Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments for a business loan
Business Equipment Lease Calculator
This calculator will help to calculate the lease finance repayments on new business plant and equipment.
Car Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly car loan repayments
Car Lease Calculator
This calculator will help to calculate the lease finance repayments on a new car
Caravan Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly caravan repayments
Caravan Commercial Hire Purchase Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly commercial hire purchase repayments on a caravan loan
Home Refinance Calculator
Compare the cost/benefits of refinancing your home loan.
Mortgage Repayments
Calculate monthly mortgage repayments on various home loan amounts and interest
Jetski Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly jetski repayments
Personal Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments on a personal unsecured loan
Truck Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments on a truck loan
Truck Lease Calculator
This calculator will help to calculate the lease finance repayments on a new truck or commercial vehicle
How Credit Card Balance Transfers Can Damage Your Credit Rating Since the banks and finance providers have been castigated for the way they seemingly indiscriminately awarded credit to people who could ill afford it, the chances of being accepted for loans and credit cards have decreased. Concurrently, there is a greater focus on individual's being aware of how credit works and what their financial behaviors means in terms of a credit score and history. - read more
Credit Card Secret Guarantee Most people use credit cards in some form or another but few truly appreciate one of the special features of credit cards that make using their credit card to insure their purchases. - read more
5 Credit Killers A good credit score speaks volumes about your financial habits. It's the evidence most creditors need to evaluate your credit worthiness. - read more
7 things you need to know about a Hire Purchase loan There are seven things you should know before you ever think of getting a Hire Purchase loan. Knowing these things will give you control and power in the loan process. Power and control will will save you money - read more
Maximizing Your High Credit Score for Optimal Pre-Approval Results Welcome, fellow Australians with high credit scores! You're part of a unique group of financially savvy individuals who are well-positioned to make the most of lending opportunities. Credit scores play a crucial role in determining the interest rates and terms you receive when applying for loans. - read more
Understanding the Home Loan Pre-Approval Process: A Step-by-Step Guide Home loan pre-approval is a preliminary assessment by a lender, where they evaluate your financial situation to determine how much you're eligible to borrow before purchasing a property. Essentially, it provides you with a conditional approval for a specific loan amount, subject to final credit checks and property valuation. - read more
Debt Management Strategies: Regain Control of Your Finances Debt management is a financial strategy that helps individuals handle their debt, particularly when they're struggling to make payments. It involves creating a plan to manage and reduce debt over time, often with the assistance of financial tools and guidance from professionals. - read more
Maximising Savings: How to Build an Emergency Fund Let's face it—life is full of surprises, and not all of them are pleasant. This is where an emergency fund comes into play, acting as a safety net that shields you from unexpected financial shocks. But what exactly is an emergency fund? Simply put, it's a stash of money set aside specifically for unforeseen expenses, such as sudden medical bills or urgent car repairs. - read more