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  • Caravan loans for new & used vans, dealer & private sales.
  • Calculate caravan loan repayments with our caravan loan calculator.
  • Find out if you qualify with a free Caravan Loan eligibilty assessment - with no credit check.
  • Apply online for quick and easy caravan finance loan approval.
  • Compare Caravan loan rates & options from multiple lenders.
  • Specialist caravan loan broker panel available at no charge.
Need a Caravan Loan Right Now?
Get a free caravan loan eligibility assessment & access multiple loan options with no credit check!

Need a Caravan Loan Right Now?
Get a free caravan loan eligibility assessment & access multiple loan options with no credit check!

Caravan Loans

Compare Caravan Loan Finance Rates & Options

Free Caravan Loan eligibility assessment

If you're in the market for a Caravan, Campervan or a Camper Trailer, we'll help you find the money!
Simply complete our short caravan loan assessment questionnaire to begin your free assessment of your caravan loan eligibility ... and offers of the best caravan loan rates & options - sourced from a large selection of Australia's leading and best rated caravan loan specialists.

Click here to apply for your free caravan loan assessment

We can help you source the right caravan loan - regardless of your situation!

  • Caravan finance for people refused by the Banks
  • Self-employed Caravan Loans
  • Business and Commercial Caravan Finance
  • Bad Credit Caravan Loans
  • Discharged Bankrupt

Click here to apply for your free caravan loan assessment

  • Unsecured Caravan Loans
  • Secured Caravan Loans
  • Lo-Doc Caravan Loans
  • Caravan Asset Lease Finance
  • Caravan Commercial Hire Purchase Loans
  • Caravan Chattel Mortgage Finance

Click here to apply for your free caravan loan assessment

Caravan Loan Pre-Approval

Not yet ready to buy?

You can still use our free caravan loan eligibility assessment to find out how much you can afford to borrow now and, when you are ready to go shopping for a caravan, you can do so with the confidence of being pre-approved!

Just complete the simple, one-page caravan loan eligibility assessment form and a fully qualified, professional finance consultant will set out your options for achieving what you want to do.

If you do not currently qualify automatically to borrow enough money to buy your dream caravan right now, one of our specialist caravan loan finance consultant can help you by:-

  • explaining all of the Caravan financing options and alternatives that may currently be available to you;
  • showing you exactly what more you need to do in order to borrow the amount you need to buy a Caravan now;
  • outlining exactly what you will need to do in order to qualify for a Caravan Loan at some time in the future and;
  • staying in touch to provide you with ongoing information and any assistance that you may require until you are ready to buy.
start your caravan loan enquiry here

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Finance Calculators
Insurance calculators
Our financial calculators are provided for your free use on this website and are designed to remove some of the guess-work to help you make informed financial decisions.

Please note that some of our calculators may use assumptions that are not necessarily applicable to your current specific circumstances and we therefore cannot always guarantee their accuracy.

You should always seek professional financial advice from a licensed professional before proceeding with any financial recommendations.

How much can you borrow?

Fortnightly Mortgage Repayment Comparator
Compare the effect of paying monthly mortgage payments as opposed to paying fortnightly.

Bike Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments for a motorcycle loan

Boat Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly boat repayments

Business Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments for a business loan

Business Equipment Lease Calculator
This calculator will help to calculate the lease finance repayments on new business plant and equipment.

Car Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly car loan repayments

Car Lease Calculator
This calculator will help to calculate the lease finance repayments on a new car

Caravan Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly caravan repayments

Caravan Commercial Hire Purchase Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly commercial hire purchase repayments on a caravan loan

Home Refinance Calculator
Compare the cost/benefits of refinancing your home loan.

Mortgage Repayments
Calculate monthly mortgage repayments on various home loan amounts and interest rates.

Jetski Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly jetski repayments

Personal Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments on a personal unsecured loan

Truck Loan Calculator
Calculate and compare monthly repayments on a truck loan

Truck Lease Calculator
This calculator will help to calculate the lease finance repayments on a new truck or commercial vehicle

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