Credit Card debt. Freeze the fire breathing dragon in your wallet and start living.
Are your credit cards growing and multiplying like rabbits in your wallet? Whilst they may grow like rabbits they breathe fire and bite like a dragon.
Credit card debt growing? One card becomes two, two become three and three become four.
First you had a card with $3000 debt limit and now you have $30,000 debt limit and you are asking what happened?
Crazy thing apart from the first one which you thought you needed, I bet you never asked for another one, they were given to you!
Steps to stop this madness.
The best way to start slaying the dragon is to look at what you are spending in a day, a week and a month.
We can spend thousands a month and not see anything for it and worst still you don't even see yourself doing it. I once asked a person why they did what they did, the response flawed me:
"I don't know I just do what I do. It's like a habit"!
What I started to realize that this was me, this caused me to look at everything and ask: am I on auto pilot in this situation?
- Do I need it or do I just think I need it?
- Am I being lazy or is there a better option?
- Is this good for me?
- Is this just advertising I am reacting to?
- Is this just peer pressure that I am doing this?
The answers shocked me!
I can't tell you what an impact it had on me and my lifestyle. I looked at everything differently.
Stop now and quietly think why you are living the away you do?
Are credit cards helping you to live the way you want to live or are they just breathing fire onto and reinforcing a habit thats not very helpful and causing you pain?
If you are honest to yourself you may well understand something very important about your day.
You are on auto-pilot for most of it and you automatically do things that you have stopped needing. You are only doing it because its a habit. Sit down and work out what you spend a week on this type of expenditure. It will amaze you.
Now put 75% of what your auto pilot expenditure into a wallet or purse and start paying cash for everything during the week..
And remind yourself daily:
- When it s gone, its gone
- No more till next week.
If you are not inclined to take on the dragon here is another way!
A simpler and quicker method is to consolidate your debt into a lower rate of interest loan. Either personal loan or a mortgage.
What you are doing is taking the dragons out of the purse and wallet and putting in a friendly little critter to replace them.The debt card. Consolidate the debt. Find a finance or mortgage broker who will help you through the process.
Published: Monday 23rd August, 2021