Suncorp and ANZ target the end of July to finalize the transaction, which has been in progress since July 2022. Federal clearance, including the Treasurer's approval, competition clearance, and Queensland legislative tweaks, were essential to move this deal forward.

Today’s announcement by Dr. Chalmers comes after the Australian Competition Tribunal greenlit the acquisition in February, and following the passage of a vital legislative amendment in Queensland earlier in June.

Dr. Chalmers highlights the rigorous, lengthy process encompassing “careful consideration, much deliberation and consultation.” He noted that he accounted for concerns initially flagged by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which had attempted to block the deal last August before Suncorp and ANZ appealed successfully to the Tribunal.

An important point, according to Dr. Chalmers, is the distinctive nature of the deal. “Suncorp is uniquely positioned as one of the few remaining combined bank and insurance companies in Australia,” he stated. “This transaction allows Suncorp to concentrate on the challenges inherent in the insurance sector, like accessibility and affordability at a critical time.”

Steve Johnston, Suncorp Group CEO, celebrated the Treasurer’s decision as a milestone towards Suncorp’s reimagined identity as a trans-Tasman insurer. “Post-completion, Suncorp will emphasize addressing emerging insurance needs and overcoming complex issues such as climate change and affordability," Mr. Johnston remarked.

Additionally, Johnston underscored the broader economic implications of the sale. “This decision moves us closer to fulfilling the jobs and investment package that Suncorp committed to with the Queensland government as part of this sale, benefiting Queensland, Australia, and New Zealand as a whole.”

With the restrictive conditions accompanying the approval, Suncorp agreed to forgo a $10 million annual brand licence fee that ANZ was set to pay for five years.

Dr. Chalmers emphasized that the deal is subject to strict conditions to serve the nation’s interest. There will be no changes to the number of Suncorp bank branches in Queensland for three years, and no net job losses as a result of the transaction across Australia at Suncorp and ANZ for the same period.

“The legally binding conditions ensure that Australians maintain access to essential banking services, employees are protected, and the socio-economic benefits are maximized across Queensland and Australia,” concluded Dr. Chalmers.