The survey unveiled that a significant 31% of Generation X are apprehensive about ever securing enough savings for retirement, and nearly half (48%) worry about exhausting their funds during their retirement years. These concerns are magnified by inflation, with 69% of respondents citing it as a major obstacle disrupting their retirement plans.

The repercussions of inflation are evident, as 55% of Generation X admit to saving less because of escalated daily expenses, and 41% state that inflation is outright destroying their retirement goals. Another major concern is public debt. An overwhelming 77% are anxious that escalating public debt could curtail their retirement benefits, and 58% foresee difficulties in sustaining themselves without these benefits.

A notable finding from the Natixis survey is that a majority of Generation X (56%) recognize the need for professional financial advice to reach their retirement ambitions. Despite this, there is a growing trend towards digital solutions. Almost half (49%) of Generation X now favor digital financial advice, a significant increase from 35% just five years ago.

Louise Watson, Country Head for Australia and New Zealand at Natixis Investment Managers, remarked on the intricate financial terrain that Generation X navigates. "Gen X is arguably the generation most in need of comprehensive financial advice today. They face a myriad of challenges, from inflation and public debt to global geopolitical issues and domestic crises like the housing and cost-of-living problems," Watson observed.

Watson further noted, "The dual responsibilities of caring for elderly parents and raising children, while managing demanding careers, have positioned Gen X as pioneers in adopting digital financial advice. However, despite the convenience of technology, it cannot yet substitute the personalized and complex advice provided by skilled financial advisers. The role of professional advisers remains crucial in navigating these financial uncertainties."

As Generation X continues to juggle these multifaceted challenges, the demand for both conventional and digital financial advisory services seems poised to grow, emphasizing the need for adaptable and accessible financial planning solutions.