Think of your credit file as a financial history record with credit and service providers that generally contains information such as your personal details, credit accounts, and payment history. It is used to prepare your credit report, which is shared with various banks, creditors, and service providers when you apply for credit.

Your credit file's accuracy is crucial as it determines your eligibility for financial products and impacts your credit score. Therefore, it's essential to keep it clean and clear of any mistakes or negative information. Here are some tips to help you maintain a clean credit file:

  • Order your credit report periodically:

You can obtain a copy of your credit report for free from each credit reporting agency once every 12 months. Review it thoroughly and ensure that all information, including personal and financial details, is accurate.

  • Check for errors and disputes:

If you notice any incorrect information, contact the respective lender or service provider to correct it or raise your concern with the credit reporting agency. Mistakes on your credit report can pull down your credit score, so be vigilant.

  • Take steps to repair your credit:

Repairing your credit requires identifying and correcting any errors and demonstrating positive credit behavior, such as paying your dues on time, reducing your credit limits, and paying off debts.

  • Avoid tainting your credit file:

Late repayments, multiple credit applications in a short period, and borrowing beyond your means can damage your credit file. However, avoiding credit altogether can also lead to an insufficient credit history, making it challenging to access financial products in the future.

Maintaining a clean credit file can increase your chances of getting approved for financial products and improve your credit score, indicating good financial behavior.