How Credit Card Balance Transfers Can Damage Your Credit Rating Since the banks and finance providers have been castigated for the way they seemingly indiscriminately awarded credit to people who could ill afford it, the chances of being accepted for loans and credit cards have decreased. Concurrently, there is a greater focus on individual's being aware of how credit works and what their financial behaviors means in terms of a credit score and history. - read more
Credit Card Secret Guarantee Most people use credit cards in some form or another but few truly appreciate one of the special features of credit cards that make using their credit card to insure their purchases. - read more
5 Credit Killers A good credit score speaks volumes about your financial habits. It's the evidence most creditors need to evaluate your credit worthiness. - read more
7 things you need to know about a Hire Purchase loan There are seven things you should know before you ever think of getting a Hire Purchase loan. Knowing these things will give you control and power in the loan process. Power and control will will save you money - read more
AI in Financial Planning: Unlocking Potential with Prudence Thu, 21 Nov: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a focal point in modern financial planning, offering the potential to transform how advisers interact with clients. By providing automated solutions for routine tasks and analyzing vast data sets, AI promises increased efficiency and more personalized financial recommendations. - read more
Stockspot Unveils Innovative Superannuation Offering Thu, 21 Nov: Australia's digital investment platform, Stockspot, has made a strategic leap into the superannuation sector by launching its pioneering superannuation product, uniquely centered around exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and developed in collaboration with wealth tech giant, DASH. - read more
First-Time Homebuyers Face Growing Savings Hurdles Thu, 21 Nov: An emerging report highlights new challenges young Australians encounter as they attempt to step onto the property ladder, exacerbating the already elusive homeownership dream. - read more
Insurers Face Intense Scrutiny Over Quake Claim Rejections Thu, 21 Nov: In recent months, Muswellbrook, a town in New South Wales, has experienced a series of earthquakes that have left residents grappling with both physical destruction and emotional distress. Criticism is mounting against insurers as more than 600 claims have emerged, following these seismic events, yet many remain unresolved or denied. - read more