Following natural disasters, many homeowners are unfortunately faced with the reality that their insurance policy may not cover the full extent of the damages incurred. This highlights the importance of choosing the right Home and Contents Insurance policy that can provide a comprehensive level of coverage.

Choosing the right insurance policy can provide you with the peace of mind you need, knowing that your property and valuables are protected under the best possible terms. In this article, we will be discussing what to look for when choosing a Home and Contents Insurance policy.

Policy Coverage

When choosing a home and contents insurance policy, one of the most crucial factors to consider is coverage. The right policy should provide adequate coverage for your properties, ensuring that you do not suffer any significant financial loss in the event of damage or theft.

Different types of coverage available

There are typically two types of coverage you can choose from. The first is home insurance, which covers the cost of structural damage and loss of your property. The second type is contents insurance, which covers the cost of repairing or replacing any damaged or stolen items.

Explanation of each type of coverage

Home insurance protects the building itself, and it covers the cost of repairs or rebuilding, as well as any other structures on the property such as a garden shed. Contents insurance protects the belongings inside your home, including furniture, clothing, equipment, and other possessions.

Factors that affect the cost of coverage

The cost of coverage depends on several factors, including the level of coverage you require, location, the size and age of your home, and the cost of replacing your belongings. Additionally, factors such as crime rates and natural disasters in your area can also impact your insurance premiums.


While home and contents insurance policies can provide a great deal of protection, it’s important to be aware of the things they don't cover. Knowing what’s excluded can help you take steps to protect yourself and your property in other ways.

What home and contents insurance policies typically exclude

Most policies exclude things like wear and tear, damage caused by pests, and damage from natural disasters. Some policies may also exclude coverage for certain types of personal belongings, like jewelry or art. It's important to review these exclusions carefully so you know exactly what's covered and what isn't.

Why certain things are excluded from policies

Many exclusions are put in place to help keep insurance costs affordable. For example, damage caused by earthquakes or floods often requires specialized coverage, which can be quite expensive. By excluding these risks from a standard policy, insurance companies can offer more affordable rates to their customers.

What to look out for when reviewing a policy's exclusions

It's important to carefully review all exclusions before selecting a policy, and to choose one that best meets your needs. If you have special circumstances - like living in an area prone to natural disasters - you may want to consider getting additional coverage to protect yourself. Always read the policy document and ask your provider any questions you may have.

Policy Limits

When choosing a home and contents insurance policy, it's important to pay close attention to the policy limits. Policy limits determine the maximum amount of coverage you can receive in the event of a claim. In other words, if your policy has a limit of $50,000 for personal property, you won't be able to receive more than that amount, even if your losses exceed it.

There are different types of policy limits, including "per item" limits, "per category" limits, and "overall" limits. "Per item" limits place a cap on the amount that can be paid for a single high-value item, like a piece of jewelry or artwork. "Per category" limits restrict the amount that can be paid out for certain types of belongings, such as electronics. "Overall" limits limit the total amount that can be paid out for all claims in a given period.

When deciding the right level of coverage for you, it's important to take into account the value of your possessions and the potential cost of repairs or rebuilding. You may also want to consider any legal liability coverage included in your policy, which can protect you if someone is injured on your property.

If you find that your policy limits aren't adequate, it's important to speak with your insurer about increasing your coverage. In some cases, you may be able to purchase additional coverage for specific items or categories of items. You may also want to consider umbrella insurance, which can provide added protection in the event of a major claim.

Additional Coverage options

While standard home and contents insurance policies can provide comprehensive coverage for your property and personal belongings, there are also additional coverage options that you may want to consider adding to your policy.

What additional coverage options are available

Additional coverage options can vary depending on the insurance provider, but some common options include:

  • Flood insurance: Protects your home and contents against damage caused by flooding.
  • Home office insurance: Covers equipment and liability related to a home-based business.
  • Motor burnout insurance: Covers the cost of repairing or replacing appliances that burn out due to an electrical overload or short circuit.
  • Jewellery insurance: Provides coverage for loss or damage to valuable items such as jewellery or watches.

What additional coverage options are worth considering in Australia

In Australia, it may be worth considering adding coverage for natural disasters such as bushfires, cyclones or earthquakes as many areas are prone to these types of events. It's also worth considering coverage for accidental damage to your home and contents, pet damage, and identity theft.

How to add additional coverage to your policy

If you think that additional coverage options would benefit you, speak to your insurance provider about adding them to your policy. They may be available as optional extras or as part of a more comprehensive insurance package.

Deductible Considerations

When choosing a home and contents insurance policy, one of the most important factors to consider is the deductible. This is the amount of money you will have to pay out of pocket before the insurance company will cover the rest of the cost of a claim.

Different types of deductibles

There are two main types of deductibles: a fixed amount and a percentage. A fixed deductible is a specific dollar amount that you will pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. A percentage deductible is a percentage of the total amount of the claim that you will be responsible for paying.

How to determine your deductible

The amount of deductible you choose will affect your insurance premiums. Generally, the higher the deductible, the lower the premiums. Before determining your deductible, consider how much you can afford to pay out of pocket in the event of a claim, and choose a deductible amount accordingly. Keep in mind that certain types of claims, like those related to natural disasters, may have higher deductibles.

Pros and cons of a higher deductible

While a higher deductible may lower your insurance premiums, it also means you will be responsible for paying more out of pocket in the event of a claim. However, if you have a solid emergency fund and can afford to pay a higher deductible, it may be worth it in the long run to save money on your premiums. Remember to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

How to Choose the Right Insurance Provider

Choosing the right insurance provider is just as important as choosing the right policy. Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:

Financial Stability

Make sure the insurance provider you choose has a stable financial track record. You don't want to be in a situation where your provider can't pay your claim because they're in financial trouble. Check their financial ratings with independent rating agencies.

Experience and Reputation

Choose an established provider with a good reputation. A company that has been operating for many years and has a positive track record is more likely to be reliable and trustworthy.

Customer Service

Look for an insurance provider with good customer service. Can you easily get in touch with them when you need to? Do they have multiple ways to contact them? How quickly do they respond when you make a claim?


While price isn't the only factor to consider, it's important to make sure you're getting a fair price for the coverage you need. Make sure to compare prices from different providers before making a final decision.

When researching and comparing insurance providers, look out for reviews from their current and past customers. Customer feedback can be a good indicator of the kind of experience you might have with that provider. However, be wary of fake reviews or reviews that are too generic to be helpful.

By considering these factors and doing your due diligence, you can choose an insurance provider that you feel confident in and that will provide you with the coverage you need.


Choosing the right home and contents insurance policy is crucial for protecting your most valuable assets. Understanding the key features and benefits of different policies is essential to ensure that you choose the one that suits your needs and budget.

When selecting a policy, consider the coverage provided for different types of damage, the excess payable in the event of a claim, and any special features or add-ons that may be useful to you. It is also important to compare premiums between policies to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.

Finally, it is recommended to review your policy regularly to ensure that it continues to meet your changing needs and circumstances. Don't wait until it's too late to discover that your insurance policy doesn't cover what you thought it did.

By following these tips and taking the time to research and compare different policies, you can be confident that you have chosen the best home and contents insurance policy for your needs.

Author: Paige Estritori
Published: Friday 28th April, 2023
Last updated: Thursday 4th May, 2023

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