Recent evaluations by the regulator unveiled significant weaknesses, including insufficient due diligence mechanisms for assessing and supervising third-party distributors, subpar consumer questionnaires, and a general lack of monitoring of consumer outcomes and product performance.
“This review offers an insight into how different industries and products are adhering to design and distribution obligations,” stated ASIC commissioner Alan Kirkland. “Where improvements can be made, we expect issuers and distributors to scrutinize the reports and elevate their distribution approaches.”
From October last year up until last month, ASIC's review covered 19 product issuers, including providers of funeral and accident insurance. The examination revealed persistent issues, particularly in funeral and accident insurance, where consumers still received quotes despite being outside the intended target market based on "knockout" question responses. Moreover, consumer questionnaires often only inquired about age, an eligibility criterion, without addressing critical affordability concerns.
Under the design and distribution obligations regime implemented since October 2021, financial product issuers are mandated to ensure their products are designed for and marketed to the correct target audience. This involves creating a target market determination statement for each product, outlining its appropriateness for the intended consumers and ensuring distribution conditions align with this target market.
“ASIC is particularly focused on fostering adherence to the design and distribution obligations,” the regulator mentioned. “We are committed to regulatory actions where necessary and leveraging these obligations to enhance consumer outcomes.”
Mr. Kirkland shared that ASIC has launched five civil proceedings related to these obligations, achieving three victories so far. Additionally, the commission has issued over 80 stop orders and published findings from seven reviews since the obligations came into effect.
Based on an article from Financial Services Online, it's clear that the current state of compliance in distribution need a proactive approach to better cater to the needs and protection of consumers. Taking heed of these regulatory insights will benefit both issuers and consumers in the long run.