There are three main reasons why we don’t make finances a priority:

  1. lack of time,
  2. lack of money,
  3. lack of knowledge.
While all are valid reasons, making time for a financial checkup can help us sleep better at night and motivate us to meet our financial goals.
Did you know that so-called “high” planners — those that demonstrate a greater willingness to plan their finances — have a nearly 20% higher net worth on average than “low” planners?
Consider this tale of two savers: “Jenny” and “Phil.” Jenny saved $100 each month from age 25 until age 35, and then stopped. Phil started saving $100 each month from age 40 to age 65.
Who had more at age 65?
Jenny did — even though she stopped saving when she was 35!

Starting Down The Path

How many of us have wanted to start our own business for years, but are too nervous about losing a steady wage from an employer or have financial constraints that represent continuous obstacles to living our dreams?
Your dreams can happen. And you can make it happen in the short-term by taking a few key steps:
  • set up an automatic savings account,
  • refinance loans at a lower cost,
  • plug the leaks in your monthly spending (do you really need that cappuccino every afternoon?),
  • move your money into a higher-yielding savings (such as money market or ultra-short term bonds).

Design A Plan

When tackling a major financial challenge, such as saving for your retirement or getting rid of credit card debt, finding the time to design a plan can offer tremendous rewards.
By doing any of the following you can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel:
  • learn the monthly amount to save for your retirement (check out an online calculator at a financial website such as,
  • examine your monthly spending (including annual expenses such as vacation and professional services).
  • You could start sleeping better at night before you know it!

Time, Money and Knowledge

Still worried about having enough time? Don’t.
Once you design your own personal financial health plan, you won’t need to monitor it every week.
Simply schedule a checkup every six months.
As for money, you can start saving and investing right away — even if you have no money saved.
To gain knowledge, if you aren’t motivating yourself, take a course, hire an advisor, or read a book. Make it a priority and get started now!

Consider these words of wisdom:

“Money is the opposite of the weather. Nobody talks about it, but everybody does something about it.” – Rebecca Johnson, in Vogue
“Never spend your money before you have it.” – Thomas Jefferson
“I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” – Pablo Picasso
“This one step — choosing a goal and sticking to it — changes everything.” – Scott Reed
Author: Paige Estritori
Published: Sunday 1st August, 2021

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