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Mortgage Reduction Leads

About Our Mortgage Reduction Leads

Before you purchase leads from us, you get comprehensive information to help you determine the value of this service to your business ...

Mortgage Reduction leads are generated from our websites at, and

These leads represent existing homeowners with a mortgage who have agreed (in principle) to be contacted to discuss restructuring their finances in order to release equity from their home for investment purposes.

Enquirers are required to complete a short-form questionnaire where they provide contact details and basic financial information.

Important: Buyer Beware!!! Unlike most other forms of enquiry from our websites, we use competitions and other incentives to attract visitors to our mortgage reduction enquiry pages. In other words, whilst the leads sold under this category are definitely Australian taxpayers with an existing mortgage ... and whilst they have agreed to be contacted regarding a mortgage reduction strategy, obtaining mortgage reduction advice was not their primary motivation for submitting their enquiry. In most cases, these applicants have simply given us their permission to pass on their contact and financial information in exchange for a competition entry. Therefore, you will need to engage good telemarketing and sales techniques if you are to gain value form these leads. Before bidding on our mortgage reduction leads, please take a moment to visit, and so that you can better understand the motivation behind these enquiries. These leads are highly prized by some, but may represent questionable value to others.

Sample Mortgage Reduction Leads

Below is a live snapshot of the most recent Mortgage Reduction Leads generated from our websites.

Much of the data normally provided with these leads is hidden for privacy purposes.

Important: Financial Services Online is a referral service. We provide general information only and we do not offer financial advice. We refer all insurance, finance and other enquiries that are initialted on this and our associated websites to specialist advisers who are licensed in their respective fields. You should always seek professional advice before making important financial decisions.